--- WELCOME to rGolf an online (on the web) system for Golf Club Groups
--- Members should contact your Group handicapper for your temporary password.
--- To have your own rGolf Club Scoring system for another Group contact rGolf Support at ted dot rpi at yahoo dot com

Current ACTIVE Competition ID:23: --Dated:30/04/2024

COMPETITION Name:30/4/2024 single stroke monthly medal --Type:(1)= Single Stroke
--- Handicapping completed. ---
First 9 - OutGoing : Name: Weston Nine - BLUE -- Course 1 ID:2 Course StartHole:1--Starting Hole Number for comp:1
Second 9 holes of 18: Name: WestWard Nine - YELLOW -- Course 2 ID:3 Course StartHole:1--Starting Hole Number for comp:10

-v34 -r05

Tasks for LeaderBoard:

Show the leaders for the ACTIVE COMPETITION
--- Show Leaderboard with winner based on NETT SCORE (GROSS - Scorecard Hcap.).
--- Show Leaderboard with winner based on Putts or Points as appropriate to Comp.


Comp Results are displayed from, AND Scorecards are entered into, THE ACTIVE COMP.
Select a new Active Comp from a list of ALL Comps.
Take care to check the Comp.Name and ID NUMBER. There could be more than one Comp. on the same day!

--- Display current status of the latest Championship.
--- Show the NETT SCORE Championship results. Gross scores corrected by cShip Handicap. Only Members who have completed required rounds.
--- Show Championship results based on GROSS scores. Handicaps not taken into account. Only Members who have completed required rounds.
--- Show the NETT Championship results to-date based on best AVERAGE score for the number of rounds completed so far.

--- Display current status of the Current ECL Challenge.
--- Show overall leaders. Total Gross Score all courses added together. (default)
--- Show leaders based on Gross score for each course in this Competition separately. --- Show leaders applying members CURRENT handicap multiplied by HcapFactor ( x 1 )
The default is still under development.

--- Show list without adjusting the scores with handicaps. That is total of the best results PER COURSE (default)
--- Show list when applying CURRENT Handicap adjustment to the best ECL scores.

--- Show only the top 20 members for each category selected. (default)
--- Show all available scores for each category selected.

Clear page and load Leaderboard for the Active Comp.

Thank you for using rGolf. Enjoy watching your ECL aggregates SHRINK.
Keep safe.

--- rGolf -v33 © 2022-2024 --- Web at DigitalOcean 2022

Start: --- Tue - 02/07/2024 - 16:51 --- -- Now: --- Tue - 02/07/2024 - 16:51 --- -- Size: 4536
rGolf OnLine ECLECTIC and Handicapping System -- Available FREE for YOUR group!

by : Impala DMS 2001 --- Contact: ted.rpi at yahoo dot com. for further information