--- WELCOME to rGolf an online (on the web) system for Golf Club Groups
--- Members should contact your Group handicapper for your temporary password.
--- To have your own rGolf Club Scoring system for another Group contact rGolf Support at ted dot rpi at yahoo dot com

--About/Help: rGolf - The Main Menu

Last updated Mar,2024 by ianm

The Main Menu (above) depends on what security level you have when you are signed into rGolf.
Guests are limited to viewing the Leaderboards, Competitions including the Eclectic, and the ability to LogIn to rGolf.
--LeaderBoards : Shows scores and cards for last or selected Comp. and ECL results.
--About/Help : is this document.
--LoginRego : LogIn as a member AND Register a new Member after LogIn.

Further Tasks are available dependent on Security access Level of LoggedIn user
--Members : Change_ Password, View/Change Profile, List Members and manage own cards.
--Cards : Load and manage Scorecards
--CompMan : Add new Competitions to rGolf so that scorecards can be loaded.
Manage Handicaps, View Handicap logging, Update ECL

--ECL_Man : Create NEW ECL competitions for either selected or ALL members
Set the ACTIVE ECL, Run ECL Updates after new Comps. and cards loaded AND Remove Member.

__rAdmin : Add courses. Change System parameters. System Database and display options management.
Reset Member Passwords. Restructure Member Names. Re-create empty DATABASE and TABLES

-- Welcome to rGolf - OnLine ECLECTIC Competition tracker. --

If your name is included in --LeaderBoard results then you are registered in rGolf
Please contact your ECLECTIC COMP Group Leader/Organiser to find out your password.
SignIn to rGolf to see your --Member information. Please change your password to protect any personal information YOU MAY ADD.

An eclectic tournament is a multi-round golf tournament that results in a single hole score per MEMBER (player) for up to three selected 9-hole courses.
rGolf compares each scorecard for each round and selects the lowest score for each hole. That's the eclectic score.
18-hole rounds must be split into two separate COMPs for each of the 9-hole courses (front 9 and back 9).
Handicaps are not applied to ECLECTIC COMPETITIONS.

An eclectic tournament is also called a ringers tournament and the final score at the end of the ECLECTIC COMPETITION is the ECLECTIC result (ECL scorecard).
An eclectic tournament can be a stand-alone event contested over consecutive days.
More commonly, it is a bonus competition that runs concurrently, over longer time periods, through other, unrelated tournaments or competitions.
The scorecards from these tournaments (competitions) are then entered into rGolf for the ACTIVE ECLECTIC COMPETITION>

About the rGolf ECLECTIC Tracker:
Instead of keeping track of your friendly ECLECTIC wager using a white board or a spreadsheet rGolf provides a very user friendly, online system to keep track of this for your group. Your group can be as big or as small as you wish. The benefit of rGolf is that it keeps the ECLECTIC results up to date and makes all the results available to ALL MEMBERS at any time using any device with an internet browser (SmartPhones, Tablets, PCs etc..)

The --LeaderBoard shows the result of the last Competition for which scorecards have been entered into the System. Each COMP. (Competition) defines a specific 9-hole Course. These can be from different Golf Courses. Each Golf Course has a number of 9-hole Courses. If a Comp or round consists of 18 holes then that round would be entered into rGolf as two 9-hole Comps. with the handicap being split accordingly.

An ECLECTIC Comp. defines a date range and 1 to 3 9-hole courses. Members are then regisered for that ECL (Eclectic Comp.) The entry of the scorecards, after each round, has been made as quick and easy as possible and any number of members can be given access to Comp and scorecard entry process.

ECL Leaderboard:

Under the latest Comp. Result is a Menu which enables any Guest to display the Status of the current ECL Competition. There are buttons which allow selection of results in Agregate Score (Best score on EACH OF THE 9 HOLES ON THAT COURSE) or ECL_Nett which is the Agregate Score modified by the latest handicap for that member.

Additional Menues and Services are available to Group officials
If you would like to form a group of your own please contact us. Contact information in page footer.

This is a FREE Service for fellow golfers!

Keep safe,
ImpalaDMS Support Team at rgolf.net. --- Clear and or refresh screen

Further Information (per Security Level) :

--- rGolf -v33 © 2022-2024 --- Web at DigitalOcean 2022

Start: --- Thu - 04/07/2024 - 19:11 --- -- Now: --- Thu - 04/07/2024 - 19:11 --- -- Size: 6031
rGolf OnLine ECLECTIC and Handicapping System -- Available FREE for YOUR group!

by : Impala DMS 2001 --- Contact: ted.rpi at yahoo dot com. for further information